Since its inception in 1975, about 40 years ago, the USM Thaipusam Thannerpanthal has grown leaps and bounds to what it is today. From a noble and humble start with a self-constructed small panthal (tent) at the same site till this very day, at the MPPP Car Park, Jalan Waterfall, serving iced cordial juice & syrup drinks to devotees during Thaipusam.
The primary objective of this profile is to provide a comprehensive history of the USM Thaipusam Thaneerpanthal since its beginning. The process of writing this task is challenging, as due to the lengthy frame involved, limited resources or records are available.
In 2015, for a pristine understanding, the volunteer members opted to rename its activity under the umbrella of Sekretariat Khidmat Masyarakat Thaipusam.
‘USM Sekretariat Khidmat Masyarakat Thaipusam proudly proclaims that it is the only IPTA that offers social service during the festival’.